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Info Request 1: Overview

Info Request basics!

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Written by Support
Updated over a month ago

This Article is for: SideDrawer Console Users

What Is an Info Request?

Info Requests are a productivity feature in SideDrawer that lets you streamline the collection of documents and information from your clients
You build the forms and requests in your SideDrawer Console, send them out to clients, and your clients respond directly in SideDrawer!
Documents no longer need to be sent by email, and you can easily view clients' completion rates, and target your follow-up accordingly!

Use Info Requests to collect:

  • demographic information, surveys, and KYC info

  • files and documents to be uploaded by the client to their SideDrawer

Working with Info Requests is a 3-step process:


The Info Request tool in the SideDrawer Console lets you build and customize Info Requests - build once, then re-use across multiple clients and SideDrawers!

An Info Request can include:

  1. Directions and explanations as to why you are looking for specific information

  2. Client-specific data (ex. Name, Date of Birth, Address etc.)

  3. Documents requested from your clients, such as T4s, insurance policies, or bank statements


Send your Info Request to one or more clients' SideDrawers
Send Info Requests during SideDrawer creation, so they're ready for new clients opening their SideDrawers, or send them at a later date, for example during tax season, or when documents need to be renewed

Track & Edit

Use the Accounts > Manage Info Requests tool in Console to track users' completion of the Info Requests

This tool helps reduce your admin tasks, enabling you to quickly identify clients for reminders if they haven't started the Info Request, for support if they've stalled on their Info Request completion, or for follow-up once they've completed their Info Request.

You can also edit your Info Requests after initial creation, if you need to change some details later on

Your client receives the Info Request in their SideDrawer, and gets a notification in their email.
Here is our article on the client view & experience of receiving and completing Info Requests:

Additional Resources:

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