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Creating an Info Request

How to get started building an info request with questions and file requests.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

To Start creating and populating the content of an Info Request, complete the following Steps:

On Starting an Info Request, click here.

1. Navigate to Console (bottom left hand side).

2. From the left-hand menu, select Productivity.

3. Click on Info Requests.

4. Click on the Actions button with the three dots (...) on the far right side next to the

Info Request you choose.

5. Select Manage Info Request Form.

  • In this screen you will be able to populate the form.

  • Each Question or File Request is considered an “Item”; which means that an Information Request is a series of “Items” (Questions or File Requests) which are assembled one at a time in the order which you decide.

6. Click Create New Item.

There are three types of Items you can create:

  • Content, Descriptions or Instructions

  • Record, Document(s) & File(s) Request

  • Information Fields

    by selecting each field below and entering the information:

7. Select Content, Descriptions or Instructions:

  • These items are strictly text that you can use to create instructions, offer explanations, or create sections (etc.).

  • This is useful to help guide your client to navigate the Form.

8. Select Record, Document(s) & File(s) Request:

  • You can request a specific File from a client. When asking for the File you will determine where the new Record will be created (which Tile), and what the Record Type is. This will create consistency in the storage location for that document across every client who answers the File Request in the Info Request.

  • Each Item can be mandatory or optional. SideDrawer tracks the completion percentage of each Info Request.

  • Mandatory Items count towards the completion percentage, while Optional Items do not.

  • Items can be dragged up or down to re-organize their location.

9. Select Information Fields:

  • Here you can ask a question and look for the specific answers , for example, "What is your name?".

  • You can decide what kind of answer type is returned, for example, an "Address".

  • The Informational field types include:

a. Text (under 255 characters)

b. Long Text (more than 255 characters)

c. Survey Table

d. Email

e. Link URL

f. Monetary

g. Percentage

h. Decimal

i. Integer

j. Drop down (you create all the drop-down options)

k. Single Option (client chooses one of the options you have given them

displayed on the screen)

l. Multi Option (client selects multiple items associated with the question that

you have provided)

m. To Do (a toggle that can be turned on or off)

n. Table (rows of data to be completed in which your client can add as many

additional rows.

o. Date

p. Address

q. Private Sensitive (Characters are hidden as the client types for additional


For more details on how to create a survey within the Info Request, click here.

For more details on how to create a table within the Info Request click here.

10. Then, Select Next.

11. Once you have entered & completed all the information, lastly Click Submit.

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