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SideDrawer Batch Delivery

Use the SideDrawer platform to deliver documents in bulk from one SideDrawer to many SideDrawers

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

SideDrawer has created a process to allow Professional Organizations to deliver batches of documents located in one SideDrawer to many other SideDrawers through a simple CSV instructional template.

This process can be quite usual for cases including:

  • Mass delivery of informational letters that have specific client details that could not be delivered via a Content Package

  • Mass delivery of statements from one or multiple providers

  • and more

Batch Delivery Video Example

Below is an example of delivering Q1 2022 Statements to 8 Unique SideDrawers. This process can be completed for as many SideDrawers as needed. The process also catches any errors to help you find items that may require re-processing.

Step 0: Items you need to have prior to beginning the Batch Delivery Statement delivery

In order to get started you need to have the following:

  • A SideDrawer with a Record that holds all the documents you are looking to deliver

  • All SideDrawers you will be delivering the documents to with corresponding Metadata values

    For details on what Metadata values are, how you create Metadata Values and Manage Metadata values click here

    CSV Instructions for the Batch Delivery (this will be detailed below) saved as a CSV MS-DOS file.

    If you do not have a template, you can download the template in Step 3

Step 1: Navigate to the File Delivery Tab in Console

Within Console there is a section for the Batch Delivery Process

Step 2: Create the details for the Batch Delivery

Within Console, when creating the batch delivery, you need to update the following details (see below image)

  • Name of the Batch Delivery you can reference later

  • Description of the details of the Batch Delivery- it is helpful to be specific

  • Selection of the SideDrawer and corresponding Record which holds all the documents you are looking to deliver

Mentioned in Step 0, you will need to have a SideDrawer with a Record that has all the documents you are looking to deliver in this batch. In this Example, we have set up a SideDrawer below with eight statements we will be delivering to eight different Users called "Delivery SideDrawer". See image below for a quick snapshot of the Record we that has the included documents we are looking to deliver

Step 3: Add your CSV Instructions for the Delivery

Upload your CSV instructions and proceed to review.

CSV Instruction Guide

If you do not have CSV Instructions ready you can start to create them now. In the bottom left-hand corner select the download CSV template (refer to image above)

A completed CSV template has seven rows (see below)

  • Rows A / B: Metadata key and value of the SideDrawer the document in Row F will be delivered too (this document also resides in the SideDrawer / Record you selected in Step 2 as the "Delivery SideDrawer")

  • Row C: The Tile you would like a Record created to hold the document to be distributed - in this example we will be creating a Record in a Tile called ‘Investments” for the document being delivered to reside

  • Row D: The Record Type that will be created for the Record that will hold the document being delivered – in this example the Record Type will be called “Quarterly Report” and reside in the "Investment" Tile

  • Row E: The Record Name that will be created for the Record that will hold the document being delivered– in this example the Record Name will be “Summary Report – Q1 2022” and reside in the "Investment" Tile

  • Row F: The document that is being delivered to the corresponding SideDrawer indicated by the Metadata assigned in Rows A / B – note in this example .pdf documents are being delivered. The file type is included in the name of the document in Row F.


  • SideDrawers can have multiple Metadata Keys and Values so you can facilitate the delivery of multiple documents into a SideDrawer from different Vendors with unique client identifiers

  • If you use the same SideDrawer (indicated by the Metadata in Rows A / B), Tile, Record Type and Record Name for multiple different documents, they will all be delivered to the same new Record being created. This can be useful for keeping things organized

  • Please save as a CSV (MS-DOS) for the process to work cleanly

Step 4: Review and Deliver (COMPLETE)

Error Management (Optional):

Sometimes you may have an error in the delivery. Errors can include

  • The SideDrawer not existing

  • The statement was not uploaded into the delivery SideDrawer or

  • the statement name on the original document was mismatching with the CSV instructions

  • In our example, we see an Error occurred (see above)

  • After analysis, it was determined the SideDrawer for this statement was not created, so an Error occurred when processing the Batch Delivery

  • By searching for “Error” we could zero in on the specific item that had the issue (see above image)

  • We were able to create the SideDrawer and reprocess the Error by clicking the action button on the right-hand side followed by selecting “Reprocess Item” in the next screen (see below image)

This results in the removal of the Error and the batch delivery being completed (see below image with all deliveries "Succeed"

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