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Console UX Settings

Customize SideDrawer for your clients' needs

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Written by Support
Updated over a month ago

You can customize the UX settings for your SideDrawer environment, to tailor the platform to your clients' needs.

In the SideDrawer Console, select Settings > Affiliates
Choose the Affiliate to customize, and click on the 3 dots at the right, then select Manage Client UX

The UX menu contains a variety of settings - keep in mind that these affect all SideDrawers for that affiliate, which may be all the SideDrawers in your environment.

Manage Identity Providers (Single Sign On)

These controls activate options for your clients to log into SideDrawer
To enable Social Login options, toggle the main control on
If the main control is off, users can log into SideDrawer with email + password only

Use the checkboxes to select which social IDs your clients can use to log in:
Google/Gmail, Apple ID, Salesforce, Salesforce (Sandbox), Salesforce Communities, Facebook

User On-boarding Options

  1. Disable Auto-Assigning Admin as Editor
    Turned On - the admin creating the SideDrawer will not be automatically added to the SideDrawer as an Editor (recommended)
    Turned Off - the admin creating the SideDrawer will be automatically added to the SideDrawer as an Editor

  2. Bypass Drawer Creation
    Turned On - Clients will not be prompted to create an additional free SideDrawer when registering (recommended)
    Turned Off - Clients will be prompted to create an additional free SideDrawer when registering

  3. Force Drawer Creation
    Turned On - Clients will be required to have at least one SideDrawer assigned in order to register their account
    Turned Off - Clients can register their account even if they do not have an assigned SideDrawer (recommended)

Account Management

  1. Display 'Manage Subscriptions'
    Enables the Manage Subscriptions item in the client's My Account menu, allowing the client to purchase SideDrawer retail subscriptions

  2. Display 'Payment Details'
    Enables the Payment Details item in the client's My Account menu, allowing them to link a credit card to their SideDrawer account

Help & Support Settings

1. Display 'About SideDrawer'
This item appears in the Help menu at the top right of the SideDrawer screen, and links to the 'About SideDrawer' section of our website

2. Display 'Help Center'
This item also appears in the Help menu at the top right of the screen, and includes introductory videos to help clients use SideDrawer

3. Display 'Chat Bubble'
This item appears at the bottom right of the screen, and lets clients chat directly with the SideDrawer Support Team, and search our help articles database

Interface Customization

  1. Hide 'Summary' Screen
    Disables Summary screen. When logging into SideDrawer, clients will land on the Records page, providing a simplified, consistent experience

  2. Hide 'Records' Section
    Removes the Records item from the left-hand menu.
    When logging into SideDrawer, clients will not be able to access Tiles and Records directly

  3. Hide 'Info Requests' Section
    Removes the Info Requests item from the left-hand menu.
    The item will reappear when an Info Request is delivered to the SideDrawer

  4. Hide 'Reminders' Section
    Removes the Reminders item from the left-hand menu

  5. Hide 'Collaborators' Section
    Removes the Collaborators item from the left-hand menu
    Users will not be able to view or edit the Collaborators page

  6. Hide Main Header Upload Button
    Removes the 'Drop files here or Click to Upload' button from the upper right of the SideDrawer screen

  7. Display Team Member Details
    In the Collaborators menu, enables a user to click on a Team listing to display all members of that Team

Tiles, Files, and Record Management

  1. Hide Empty Tiles
    Only Tiles with Records in them are visible in the Records page

  2. Display Tiles for Affiliate Only
    Only custom Tiles for that Affiliate are displayed in the Records page

  3. Simplify Records View
    Records will only show a file list - no additional fields such as Collaborators, Notifications, or General Info

  4. Hide the 'Create a Record' button
    Removes the button to create a Record within a Tile - you can still create Records in the Upload Files flow

  5. Hide the 'Rename Record' button
    Removes the pencil icon next to the Record name

  6. Hide the 'Edit' Record button
    Removes the Edit button next at the top right of the Record screen

  7. Hide the 'Quick Access' menu item for Records
    Removes the right-hand menu for Records - this simplifies the interface, but takes away some management options

  8. Hide the file upload button inside a Record
    Removes the 'Upload or Drag & Drop files here' button to add files inside a Record

  9. Hide 'Manage multiple files' Button
    Removes the Manage multiple files button from the Record View and Record Form screen

  10. Hide the 'Download File' button
    Removes the download icon located at the right of the filename

  11. Hide 'Manage This File' menu item for Files
    Removes the menu option at the right of the file names

  12. Hide File Viewer Toolbar
    Removes the toolbar within the file viewer - users will not be able to sign or annotate documents in SideDrawer

  13. Hide Action Buttons in File Viewer Footer
    Removes the Download and Save New Version options at the bottom of the file viewer

  14. Enable Shoebox for all Drawers
    Activates the Shoebox function, enabling users to load files into the Shoebox, and organize them later on

    1. Display Shoebox on the Records Screen
      Shoebox will appear as a Tile on the Records Screen

    2. Move Shoebox to End
      Shoebox will appear as the last Tile, instead of as the first Tile

    3. Display Shoebox shortcut
      Shoebox will appear as a menu item in the left-hand menu

    4. Invert Shoebox Tile Colour
      Makes Shoebox visually distinct, by reversing the colour scheme from the other Tiles

If you would like more information about these settings, and how they will affect your workflows and client experience, please don't hesitate to contact our Support team, at [email protected]

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