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Custom Messages

Notification settings in SideDrawer

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Written by Support
Updated over 6 months ago

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Activity Summary

List of all actions in the SideDrawer - files uploaded, files deleted, Records created, Collaborators added, etc.

All Collaborators at the SideDrawer level

Every 2 hours, if there is activity in the SideDrawer

Recommendation: keep this message active - this will give your users updates on activity in the SideDrawer, and will let you know when they have uploaded files
​Note that users won't receive notifications about their own activities, only those of other Collaborators

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Activity Summary Message

List of all actions in the SideDrawer - files uploaded, files deleted, Collaborators added, etc.

Not sent - this log is used to generate the Activity Summary

Recommendation: keep this message active - it doesn't go out to clients, but it's the basis for the Activity Summary

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Activity Summary Message
(full details)

List of all actions in the SideDrawer - files uploaded, files deleted, Collaborators added, etc.

Not sent - this log is used to generate the Activity Summary

Recommendation: keep this message active - it doesn't go out to clients, but it's the basis for the Activity Summary

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Collaboration Summary

List of all Collaboration invitations a user receives

A user who has been invited to Collaborate with multiple SideDrawers

Every hour, only if there are multiple invitations for a single user

Recommendation: keep this message active - it will rarely be used, but if a user is invited to collaborate on multiple Records, or multiple SideDrawers, they will get one combined message instead of separate notifications

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Collaboration Summary Message

List of all Collaboration invitations a user receives

Not sent - this log is used to generate the Activity Summary

Recommendation: keep this message active - it doesn't go out to clients, but it's the basis for the Collaboration Summary

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Direct Message

Placeholder - to be determined when Direct Message functionality is implemented

Recipient of a Direct Message in SideDrawer

A user sends a Direct Message to another Collaborator in SideDrawer

Recommendation: leave this message turned off for now - the Direct Message function hasn't been implemented yet

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Invitation Email

Invites a user to Collaborate with a SideDrawer
For most users, this will be their first email from SideDrawer, which they will use to register

First-time SideDrawer user invited to Collaborate with a SideDrawer

Collaborator is added from the front-end app

Recommendation: Strongly recommend keeping this message active
If you're inviting your clients as Collaborators with Editor-level access, this will be the email sent when they invite other Collaborators to the SideDrawer

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Invitation Email (no SideDrawer)

Invitation email for Admin Users, or for Team members who don't have access to a SideDrawer

Admin Users, members of Teams that haven't been added to SideDrawers yet

When the Admin User or Team Member is added in the Console

Recommendation: Optional - turn off if your Admin Users and Team Members already know how to access SideDrawer
Keep on if it's helpful for them to get an email reminder

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Invitation Email for End User (SideDrawer with License)

Invitation email sent to users who are Owners of a licensed SideDrawer

Clients who are owners of a licensed SideDrawer

License is assigned to a client in the Console

If your subscription is per license, keep this message active, as it will go out to your users when you assign their license
If your subscription is per user, keep this message turned off, since you will be inviting clients as Collaborators, not Owners

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Invitation Email for End-User (SideDrawer with No License)

Invitation email sent out to users added as Owners of a non-licensed SideDrawer

Clients who are Owners of a non-licensed SideDrawer

SideDrawer is created in Console, and client is assigned as Owner

Recommendation: Leave this message turned off - if your subscription is per user, you won't need this one, and if your subscription is per license, only turn this notification on if you are also providing non-licensed SideDrawers to some clients

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Invitation with Code

Invites a user to Collaborate with a SideDrawer
For most users, this will be their first email from SideDrawer, which they will use to register

Client invited to Collaborate on a SideDrawer

A Collaborator is added during SideDrawer creation, from the Console

Recommendation: Strongly recommend keeping this message active
If you're inviting your clients as Collaborators, this will be the email they receive to advise them of their SideDrawer, and to direct them to the registration page

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Invitation with Code Email

Invites a user to Collaborate with a SideDrawer
For most users, this will be their first email from SideDrawer, which they will use to register

Client invited to Collaborate on a SideDrawe

A Collaborator is added during SideDrawer creation, from the Console

Recommendation: Strongly recommend keeping this message active
If you're inviting your clients as Collaborators, this will be the email they receive to advise them of their SideDrawer, and to direct them to the registration page

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Multi Factor Authentication (Email)

Provides users with MFA code if they don't have a phone/Authenticator set up

SideDrawer user who does not have MFA set up through phone or Authenticator

User logs in to SideDrawer, based on their Security settings

Recommendation: Optional
Most users will have MFA set up through their phone or Authenticator App, and will not need this message

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Multi Factor Authentication (SMS)

Provides users with MFA code by text message/SMS

SideDrawer user who has set up MFA by phone

User logs in to SideDrawer, or logs in from a new device/IP address

Recommendation: Keep this message active - it's essential!
Users will need this message to receive their MFA code and log in to SideDrawer

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

New Info Request

Advises clients that there is a new Info Request for them to fill out

Collaborators at SideDrawer level who can fill out an Info Request

A new Info Request is sent from Console to the SideDrawer

Recommendation: Keep this message active
The notification will inform users of the Info Request and navigate them to the SideDrawer, to help them fill it out as soon as possible

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

New SideDrawer Created

Advises that a new SideDrawer has been created

SideDrawer Owner

SideDrawer is first created

Recommendation: Turn this message off
If your subscription is per user, you are the SideDrawer Owner, and you don't need an email notification
If your subscription is per license, you may want this notification, but you'll most likely use the License or Collaborator notification for clients

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Record Access Received

Advises users that they've been invited to Collaborate on a Record level

SideDrawer user who has been invited as a Record-level Collaborator

Record-level Collaboration permission is set up through the front-end app

Recommendation: Optional
Turn this message off if you already have the Collaboration Summary enabled
Keep this message active if you do not have Collaboration Summary enabled

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Reminder Notification

Notification message accompanying a Reminder in the SideDrawer

Collaborators on the SideDrawer selected by the user creating the Reminder

User creates a Reminder in the SideDrawer, and sends it right away

Recommendation: Keep this message active
Reminders are much more effective when they also include an email notification

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Scheduled Reminder Notification

Notification message accompanying a Scheduled Reminder in the SideDrawer

Collaborators on the SideDrawer selected by the user creating the Reminder

User creates a Reminder in the SideDrawer, and schedules it for a later delivery

Recommendation: Keep this message active
Reminders are much more effective when they also include an email notification

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Share File Notification

Notification message sent when one Collaborator shares a file with another Collaborator

Collaborators on the SideDrawer receiving the shared file

User shares a file with one or more Collaborators in a SideDrawer

Recommendation: Keep this message active
The Share File function works best when it includes an email notification

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

SideDrawer Access Received

Message advising an existing user that they've been added as a Collaborator on a SideDrawer

Registered users who have been added to a new SideDrawer

User is added as a Collaborator at the SideDrawer level to another user's SideDrawer

Recommendation: Optional
Keep this message active if you do not have Collaboration Summary enabled
If Collaboration Summary is enabled, this message can be deactivated

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Simple File Request Notification

Message accompanying a Simple File Request

Collaborator receiving the File Request

User creates a Simple File Request in the SideDrawer

Recommendation: Keep this message active
Simple File Request works best when there is an email notification to inform the Collaborator of the request

Message Name


Sent to:

Sent when:

Welcome Email

Welcome message introducing new users to SideDrawer

New users who have set up a SideDrawer account

Sent after a new user registers their account for SideDrawer

Recommendation: Keep this message active
This is a confirmation and welcome message sent to users when they first register their SideDrawer account

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