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Creating team collaboration

How to create teams for a simpler collaboration process.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

If you have a group of internal (and external) users that need to be added to a SideDrawer, adding them individually can be time consuming.

SideDrawer offers the ability to add Teams (or collections) of Users to make this process much quicker.

If you also manage access via a Team, it makes adding and removing a User from all client SideDrawers easy. You can simply add or remove them from the Team vs having to navigate to each SideDrawer.

Creating a Team:

1. Navigate to Console. On the left hand menu select Accounts -> Teams and then select Create your first team or from the main summary page select Create a team

2. To Start click the button create Team

3. Create the beginning of the team which includes:

a. Team Name: this will be displayed and visible to a client

b. Assign the Brand Code: Assign to the appropriate affiliate (if you do not have multiple affiliates, you will just have one choice)

c. Image: you can add any image you would like to appear next to your Team in the Collaborator menu of each SideDrawer the Team is added to (maybe the logo of your business)

4. Once you have completed this step, you will see the Team listed on the page. Select the action button (three dots) next to the Team and select Manage Team Members

5. Manage Team Members allows you to add people in your SideDrawer Tenant Environment (admin users or non-admin users) to the Team

Once the Team is created you will be able to add the Team as a collaborator on a SideDrawer. You must be a part of a team to be able to add a Team (if you are not part of a Team the ability to add a team will not be available)

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