This article is for: SideDrawer Console Users
As a Professional or Administrative user, you have access to two SideDrawer environments: the Front End App and the Administrative Console
This video will help summarize the two applications:
Front End App:
This is the client-facing portion of the app, where you and your client will interact with SideDrawers.
In each SideDrawer, you see client Records and Files, Manage Collaborators, View the Historical Timeline, and Respond to Information Requests etc.
SideDrawers can be accessed by a number of users, including yourself and your client, as well as any Collaborators that are invited.
Similarly, a User can have access to many SideDrawers.Depending on the access you have been given to a SideDrawer, you will have an appropriate view of that SideDrawer
Sometimes you may only see part of the SideDrawer if you have only been given access to specific pieces of the SideDrawer (see here for discussion on collaboration -ADD LINK)
Remember that the Front End app is the same for all users - you share this environment with the client and Collaborators, though not all users will be able to see all portions of a SideDrawer (depending on access settings)
This is the “Back Office," where you can control your SideDrawer environment (or Tenant)
Here you can:
Manage all of your client SideDrawers (create / delete etc.)
Build Workflows, such as Info Requests and Content Packages
Manage Subscriptions
Manage Branding
Change your Subscription settings
Only select Users have access to this environment - clients will not be able to see this environment, as it's limited to yourself and any Admin Users you choose to add