SideDrawer makes it very easy for you to purchase additional licenses to any subscription you have. All you need to do is ensure you have a credit card on file. Click here to learn more on how to update your payment method.
Once you purchase licenses you'll be able to sponsor your clients and get them engaged and collaborating with their important documents.
Step 1
First, you're going to click on "My Account" in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
Step 2
Next, you'll click on "Manage Subscriptions".
Step 3
You'll notice here in the SideDrawer Premium Monthly subscription that we have 2 licenses in total but both are assigned so we have none available to sponsor a client with.
Step 4
Next we'll click "Add or Remove Licenses". Please note that this is to purchase or delete licenses from a subscription, not from a client.
To learn how to assign or revoke licenses from clients, click here.
Step 5
To purchase additional licenses, simply click the "+" sign.
You'll notice that the new cost is adjusted to reflect how many licenses were purchased. In this example, an additional $6 license was purchased for a SideDrawer Premium Monthly Subscription so the new cost is now $18.00 per month. As the next license has not been assigned, it's available for sponsoring.
Step 6
Simply click the "Confirm Change" button and a popup button will notify you when the transaction is complete.
Step 7
Lastly, notice that the changes are reflected under the Manage Subscriptions.