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Can other people edit my documents?
Can other people edit my documents?

Only if you want them to!

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Written by Support
Updated over 4 years ago

Trusted advisors, loved ones or anyone else that you give editing permission to will be able to read, edit, add or remove records, documents and files. There will always be an audit trail that tells you who did what on each document and when.

Keep in mind that only those that own a SideDrawer Premium Account will have the ability to collaborate with you.

For example, let's say it's tax season and your accountant needs a specific form. After you complete the form and upload it to SideDrawer (perhaps in a record called "Tax 2020"), you can make your accountant a collaborator on that individual record.

You'll know your accountant has accessed your record "Tax 2020" when you receive a notification. And now you know your accountant has the information they need to complete your taxes on time!

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